Associate Professor of Mathematics and Economics
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Assistant Professor, Economics, B.A. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; M.A., Ph.D. George Mason University
Ph D, George Mason University
MA, George Mason University
BA, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Pan, X.,Yoon, S., Gym Membership Programs: Image Motivation and Conditional Discount Framing, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising.
Pan, X., An anger premium: An experiment on the role of counterpart emotions in coordination, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023.
Barton, J.,Pan, X., Movin’ on up? A Survey Experiment on Mobility Enhancing Policies, European Journal of Political Economy, 2021.
Ou, K.,Pan, X., The Effect of Task Choice and Task Assignment on the Gender Earnings Gap: An Experimental Study, European Economic Review , 2021.
Aimone, J.,Pan, X., Blameable and imperfect: A study of risk-taking and accountability, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020.
Pan, .,Houser, D., Why trust out-groups? The roles of punishment and social norms, Journal of Economics Behavioral & Organizations, 2019.
Pan, X.,Houser, D., Social approval, competition and cooperation, Experimental Economics, 2017.
Pan, X.,Xiao, E., It’s not just the thought that counts: An experimental study on the hidden cost of giving, Journal of Public Economics, 2016.
Klein, D. B.,Pan, X.,Houser, D.,Schwarz, G., A demand for encompassment: A Hayekian experimental parable about political psychology, Rationality and Society, 2015.
Pan, X.,Houser, D., Cooperation during cultural group formation promotes trust towards members of out-groups., Proceedings. Biological sciences, 2013.
Al-Ubaydli, O.,Houser, D.,Nye, J.,Paganelli, M. P.,Pan, X., The causal effect of market priming on trust: an experimental investigation using randomized control., PloS one, 2013.
Pan, X.,Houser, D., Competition for Trophies Triggers Male Generosity, PLoS ONE, 2011.
Pan, X.,Houser, D., Mating Strategies and Gender Differences in Pro-Sociality: Theory and Evidence, SSRN Electronic Journal, 2011.
Merit Award , 2023
Faculty (teaching) Innovation Grant 2022-2023, 2022
CAS Research and Publication Award, 2022
Merit Research Award 2021, 2021
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Economics