Zachary Zambarano '23

Zachary Zambarano ’23


North Smithfield, RI

Zachary Zambarano ’23 was looking for a college experience that would accelerate his career. Thanks to Bryant and the Amica Center, he discovered his passion for accounting, found an engaging internship opportunity, and landed a full-time job after graduation. 

Why did you choose Bryant? 

I chose Bryant because I wanted to find a school with a rich and vibrant campus life, high-performing academics, and experiential learning opportunities to help me jumpstart my career. One of the first things I noticed when I stepped on campus was the overwhelming supportive community. I really felt at home.

How did Bryant prepare you for the future?

Bryant truly helped me develop my passion for accounting, supported my career development and interview skills, and ultimately helped get me a full-time job as a tax staff member at Citrin Cooperman. It started out with a resume rally at the Amica Center where a couple of employers would look at my resume and offer me feedback. I then attended one of our career fairs where we had over 100 employers looking for Bryant students. I quickly found a great place at Citrin Cooperman, and they offered me an internship during their busy season. I instantly fell in love with the profession and learned a lot about accounting. Bryant gave me the opportunity to start my career and succeed after graduation.

How would you describe the culture at Bryant? 

Inspirational. The students here are truly one of a kind. We want to succeed, and we want to be changemakers in our professions and change the world for the better. We try to bring the best out of ourselves, and in return, we bring the best out of each other. 

What are a few highlights of your Bryant experience? 

Being president of Bryant University’s student government. It’s been a true honor for me to represent and be the voice of the student body, talk with administration, and make a lasting impact on this campus for generations to come. 

One of the most exciting things that I have been a part of is the IDEA program. The IDEA program is a three-day, intensive workshop for first-year students to immerse themselves in the design thinking process, solve real-world problems, discover their passion, and create new ideas for businesses. 

What advice would you give to future Bulldogs? 

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. The transition from high school to college can be difficult, but the beauty of Bryant is that we have some great resources, such as the Academic Center for Excellence, the Writing Center, and our dedicated faculty to help you ease into Bryant life. Bryant offers you the tools you need to succeed. 

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Steph Kotropoulos '26
Steph Kotropoulos '26

"Bryant allows me to explore both paths of education — behavioral science and business — in a more cohesive way."

Jared Jenkins '23 MBA
Jared Jenkins ’23 MBA

“Bryant gives you a very well-rounded look into all parts of business in a short amount of time. There’s nothing in this program that is busywork. It’s really designed for the working professional. It’s a great community that supports each other.”

Luke Ascoli '23 MBA
Luke Ascoli ’23 MBA

“I liked the quality of the Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics so much that I decided to get my MBA. The certificate plugged right into the MBA, so I didn’t have to take those courses again. It was the perfect pathway for me.”