Natalie Sims ’25

Natalie Sims ’25


Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

As a student from the Caribbean, why did you choose Bryant?  

My grandpa, who lives in the U.S. Virgin Islands, is originally from Rhode Island. He recommended Bryant as a really good business school. It’s a small world, right? I graduated with only 46 kids in my class, so I liked that Bryant was smaller and more personal. That’s what I’m used to, and comfortable with.  

How did you pick your course of study? 

I chose IB because of the requirement to study abroad. I really love traveling and am excited to study in Spain in the fall. I’m also really good at Spanish, and I try to practice with all of the native speakers I can find at Bryant.  

I value being multicultural and having an open mindset to other cultures. My dad is from South Africa, and he was a first-generation college student when he emigrated to the Caribbean. I want to keep learning and experiencing the world.  

What’s it like being a part of the Women’s Leadership LLC

In LLC classes, the students are encouraged to speak up and give feedback. The professors create a space where our voice matters. The Women’s Summit was my favorite event with the LLC. We got to hear from female entrepreneurs and did an activity to help you think about your dreams and passions. I’m looking forward to going again.  

Do you have a favorite professor? 

Professor Isil Yavuz is from Turkey and taught Global Foundations of Business my first year. She helped me with our group project and is passionate about students learning not just business, but also the international perspective.  

Have you explored Rhode Island much?   

The myBryant transit app is really nice. It’s like the university’s own little bus. It takes you to lots of shopping, dining, and wellness spots in Smithfield and downtown Providence.  

My first year I learned how to ride the RIPTA bus, too. It brings you from campus right to Kennedy Plaza and then you can explore Providence from there. There’s lots of university students from other schools, so you meet new friends. I feel like I’m part of the community there as well. 

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Nidhi Murli ’21, ’23 MBA
Nidhi Murli ’21, ’23 MBA

“When you come to a new country as an international student, you don’t know anything. The culture is completely different. Bryant has been great because I never felt homesick or bored. My professors helped me gain confidence. They helped me find my place at Bryant and made me who I am today.”

Kasey Thomas '23
Kasey Thomas ’23

“No other school had a career program like Bryant’s. When I started looking for an internship, I didn’t know where to begin. I was able to sit down with one of the career counselors at the Amica Center, and they walked me through the process and looked over my resume. They were really helpful.”

Ethan Hayes '23
Ethan Hayes ’23

“For kids who are passionate about going into creative fields, you have to teach the stuff they need to know and can’t figure out themselves, which is the business side. If you don’t have that education, you’re not going to be as successful.”