Marcus Moody '24

Marcus Moody '24


North Providence, RI

Why did you choose Bryant? 

The campus is gorgeous and beautiful, and Bryant is a very tight-knit community. When you walk around campus, you always see someone you know. I knew it was the perfect place to make real, genuine connections.  

Tell us about your data science major. 

The impact of data science is only increasing as concepts such as AI and algorithms become more prevalent in industries and daily life. Entering as a first-year student without any prior knowledge of coding or machine learning, I felt overwhelmed. My professors were understanding and patient in helping me, and I’m confident that I’ll be prepared to apply what I’ve gained from Bryant in the real world. 

How has Bryant’s faculty-teacher model affected your education?

The faculty in the data science program have been nothing short of supportive and encouraging. One professor who is exceptional in her application of knowledge and assistance is Professor Tingting Zhao. She gave me and two of my peers an opportunity to complete and submit an academic journal, which I have no doubt will be beneficial for jumpstarting my career after Bryant. 

How would you describe the Bryant culture? 

My favorite part about Bryant is the community. The people and the energy and passion that they have for creating memories and friendships is unmatched. I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s a beautiful thing. 

What’s one of your favorite events on campus?  

Extravaganza is a multicultural, student-run fashion and dance showcase. It’s a blast. Every model that walked the stage told me they had an amazing time, and they always feel 10 times more confident than before they went onstage.

What’s your favorite place on campus?  

One of my favorite places is on the bench right next to the pond. Sitting there, I’ve done a lot of soul searching and reflection on my life that has helped me become the person I am today. I do a lot of reading and journaling, and I just dig deep within who I am and the type of person that I want to become in my future.  

What has your experience as an RA been like? 

I take a lot of pride in my role as resident assistant, because one of my purposes in life, I feel, is to share as much wisdom and enlightenment with the first-year students as possible. I’ve been inspired most by the people on my residence life staff. They’re very supportive and push me to be the best I can be. 

What’s your advice for new Bulldogs? 

You’re writing your own story. Don’t let someone else’s perception of you influence you in a negative way or take you down a path you’re not comfortable with. Stay true to yourself.  

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Jared Jenkins '23 MBA
Jared Jenkins ’23 MBA

“Bryant gives you a very well-rounded look into all parts of business in a short amount of time. There’s nothing in this program that is busywork. It’s really designed for the working professional. It’s a great community that supports each other.”

Taryn Rauff ’22
Taryn Rauff ’22

“Bryant has helped me succeed a lot academically. I’ve also built close relationships with my professors, who gave me research opportunities and furthered my understanding about biology. I don’t think I would have had as many of those opportunities in another school. I’ve been very grateful for that support.”

Patrick Roth
Patrick Roth ’24

“I’ve been able to study business and liberal arts at the same time through the international business program and my concentration of marketing. I’ve learned about the different focuses of business, from management to finance and accounting, while also combining the history, culture, and foreign language aspects of international business.”