A headshot of Kai-Lou Yue.

Kai-Lou Yue ’20


Westford, MA

As a college student, Kai-Lou Yue ’20 conducted research that yielded three articles in prestigious academic journals. Now, as a medical student at UMass Chan Medical School, she’s using what she learned at Bryant to explore new ideas and discover new ways to look at important topics in science and medicine.

Working in the lab, Yue says, “gives you the ability to synthesize a lot of information at once, and also to react to new information. If something doesn’t seem to make sense, you have to be able to figure out what’s really happening.” Mentors such as Associate Professor of Science and Technology Chris Reid, Ph.D., and Kirsten Hokeness, Professor and Chair of Bryant’s Department of Science and Technology, helped her find the answers. “All of the Pre-Health professors are so passionate about what they do, they care about their students and want them to succeed,” she says.

Yue, who scored in the 96th percentile on the MCAT exam, also enjoyed sharing her work at Bryant’s annual Research and Engagement Day. “REDay was my first time presenting my research, which was an amazing opportunity,” Yue says. “It’s great that Bryant gives us all a day to talk about what we’re doing – not just professors, but undergraduate students, too.”

For her Honors thesis, Yue, with guidance from her thesis advisor, Professor of Psychology Joseph Trunzo, Ph.D., looked at the relationships among mindfulness, disability, and social support–and the effect they have on stress in college students. She was excited to expand her studies in a new direction. “Being able to work on a project like this lets students explore the passions,” Yue says.

She found new interests outside the classroom as well, including playing club badminton, helping to run the dragon dance team, studying abroad and serving on the Honors Student Council. “I think it’s really important to try new things,” she says. “I've discovered so many things that I really enjoy.”

“Through all of my experiences at Bryant – working in the lab, being part of the Honors Program, my leadership positions – and through all of the opportunities that Bryant gave me, I became much more confident,” says Yue, who was named the Northeast Regional Honors Council 2020 Student of the Year. “And that really changed me for the better."

Real World Experience


Undergraduate Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital, Orthopaedic Oncology Service
• Conducted clinical research on benign and malignant hand tumors, specifically epidemiology and treatment

Undergraduate Researcher, Bryant University, Microbial Glycomics Lab
• Conducted research on the lipid profiles of marine planktonic predators found in Narragansett Bay

Undergraduate Researcher, Bryant University, Laboratory of Terrestrial Environments
• Analyzed lake sediments using gas chromatography
• Used scanning electron microscopes and reflected-light stereomicroscopes to image and examine the morphology of various biological products

• Lans J., Yue K.C., Castelein R.M., Chen N.C., Lozano-Calderon S. Soft tissue sarcoma of the hand: Is unplanned excision a problem? European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019;45:1281-1287. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2019.03.024 (Research was also presented at the 46th New England Hand Society Annual Meeting)
• Roohani K., Haubrich B.A., Yue K., D’Sousa N., Montalbano A., Rynearson T., Menden-Deuer S., Reid C.W., Lipid profiles of a herbivorous planktonic predator and its algal prey. PeerJ. 2019;7:e7549. doi:10.7717/peerj.7549” (Accepted)

Poster Presentations
• Synthesis of diamide inhibitors of gram-positive bacteria for structure-activity relationship, Research and Engagement Day
• Using Biological Imaging to Understand the Relationship Between the Morphology and Pain-Causing Mechanism of Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones, Research and Engagement Day


Treasurer, Bryant University Dragon Dance Team
• Creates and maintains the annual team budget, performs with the team

Honors Program

Student Honors Program Assistant, Bryant University Honors Program
• Plans and executes major events, including the annual Honors Scholars Thesis presentations, banquet, and senior trip
• Designs the program’s website and implements social media strategies across various platforms

President, Bryant University Student Honors Council
• Coordinated Honors Council’s activities and organized Honors Program events
• Managed a team of five board members and an overall group of 30+ members
• Created several new community service events that benefit the Rhode Island and Bryant communities


Summer Internship Fellowship Recipient, Orthopaedic Oncology Service, Mass. General Hospital
• Observed Kevin Raskin, MD


Vice President/Treasurer, Bryant University Badminton Club
• Organizes members for off-campus tournaments and runs practices, plays with the club

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Danielle Latty ’24
Danielle Latty ’24

“Bryant has taught me to be an exceptional leader, and we really emphasize experiential learning. I’ve learned how to lead a group of people and how to understand people, and I’ve taken that with me in everything that I’ve done.”

Jess Maffe '25
Jess Maffe '25

"Bryant has this charm about it. You step on campus and just feel this overwhelming sense of belonging, like you're meant to be here."

Joey Leszczynski '23
Joey Leszczynski ’23

“Bryant helps students thrive and develop their passions. I really found that Bryant fit well with my multifaceted identity. Being somebody who is interested in immunology and epidemiology, but also fashion and communication, I found that Bryant allows you to do so much and not burn yourself out.”