Colby Phillips '23

Colby Phillips ’23


Hyannis, MA

Colby Phillips ’23 didn’t know he wanted to study actuarial mathematics until coming to Bryant. Thanks to a nudge from a Bryant professor, he realized it was the perfect career path for his skills and interests. Now he’s ready to take what he’s learned into the real world. 

How did you choose your major in actuarial mathematics?

When I was first looking into Bryant, I was looking for a business school because I was interested in finance, and I knew Bryant was a very highly ranked business school. But when I came to orientation, I ended up switching my major to actuarial mathematics. A professor came to me because they were looking for strong math students, and they thought I would be a good student to start on that track early. It’s a great profession to get into, and if you love math, actuarial mathematics is for you. Bryant also has a wide variety of programs, and I’m able to minor in finance and get the best of both worlds. 

How would you describe the culture of Bryant? 

The culture of Bryant is one of community, one that is willing to learn and grow together. Everyone is welcoming. I really feel like I belong here, and I’ve been able to thrive. It’s a home away from home. 

How has Bryant prepared you for the future? 

I have an internship this summer at Nassau Re Financial Group, which will convert to a full-time job as an actuarial analyst. One of the things I’m thankful for about my Bryant education is being able to develop as a leader and learn a lot about actuarial mathematics throughout my four years. The faculty and staff here have really supported me in my learning and my development. They want you to succeed and help you become an expert in your profession. Hopefully I’ll be able to take that to the real world.

What advice would you give to a future Bulldog? 

Get involved and dive into campus life. I came in as an honors student and got involved right away. I joined the Honors Council, and that helped me elevate myself on campus and connect with faculty and staff who were willing to support me and help me grow as a student. I’ve also been an orientation leader, a resident assistant, and a senator in the student government. I’m really thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had. It really has made a great impact on my experience at Bryant. 

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

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