Christy Mak '25

Christy Mak '25


Cranston, RI

What prompted your interest in accounting? 

I performed well in an accounting class in high school and my skills aligned well with the field, such as being mindful of small details and working on a team.

Tell us about your minor in literary and cultural studies (LCS). 

I enjoy the analysis involved when reading a text and applying different approaches to the analysis, whether breaking down an author’s argument or the text’s sociohistorical context. It forces you to question and broaden your perspective.

I originally had economics as my minor, but I switched to LCS after enjoying the required LCS classes to fulfill Bryant’s general education requirements.

Any favorite classes?

In Introduction to Literary Studies and Introduction to Cultural Studies, students can interact with and analyze various forms of media, not just written works — such as using virtual reality to see the places described in a required reading or analyzing pop music, its history, and the forces acting on it. I really liked that.

Any favorite professors?

The professors in my LCS courses are passionate about the topics they teach and are nice people. Professor Ryan Sonder promotes discussion and the process of learning, not just earning good grades. Professor Jeffrey Cabusao cares about his students and hopes they do well both inside and outside the classroom, and Professor Jennifer Horan encourages everyone to consider other perspectives and to embrace creativity and empathy routinely in their lives.

How are you involved outside of the classroom?

I am a poetry co-editor of Bryant’s literary magazine, Bryant Literary Review. It’s been a new experience, but I have learned quite a bit already.  

I also work as a project assistant in the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging. The people in the office are awesome; I help out with tasks to make their day run more smoothly, especially as they prepare for Bryant’s annual Day of Understanding.

How would you describe the Bryant community?

Bryant’s small size helps you not get lost in the crowd, and everyone is generally nice and polite. Try to drop into Bryant’s Involvement Fair at the start of the fall and spring semesters to see which clubs you’re interested in.

Can you sum up your Bryant experience in a few words?

Learning to branch out. 

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Nidhi Murli ’21, ’23 MBA
Nidhi Murli ’21, ’23 MBA

“When you come to a new country as an international student, you don’t know anything. The culture is completely different. Bryant has been great because I never felt homesick or bored. My professors helped me gain confidence. They helped me find my place at Bryant and made me who I am today.”

Antonio Reisopoulos ’19, ’22 MSPAS, PA-C
Antonio Reisopoulos ’19, ’22 MSPAS

“I was able to get into a career that I really wanted to do in a shorter period. We get to work at the top of our license in Rhode Island — we have some of the most progressive legislation nationwide for PAs. I get to work in an environment where I’m constantly learning and feel like a peer to other medical providers.”

Keith Kosoff '23 MBA
Keith Kosoff ’23 MBA

“No matter where you are in your career, you need to stay ahead and learn. I went to college many years ago. This program has been a great experience to refresh and stimulate different ways of thinking. It’s made me better in the way I approach my profession.”