Justin Try

Justin Try '24


Somerset, MA

Why Bryant?

Bryant has a supportive community, a close-knit environment, and amazing financial and business programs.

How did you choose your major? 

Finance was a career I always wanted to pursue, but I became a financial services major once I learned about the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) track. It allows students to fulfill the CFP education requirements while getting a degree so that you can sit for the CFP exam post-graduation.

My main driver to get involved with financial services was being able to help people fulfill their financial dreams. There are a lot of different niches and roles in the financial industry that people are not aware of going into school. I’m taking my time to explore all the opportunities but mainly staying focused on financial planning.

What are some key takeaways?

The CFP track is different from the traditional finance major. Most post-graduation opportunities are client-facing, so classes teach you the foundations of financial planning and having those conversations.

Any favorite classes or projects?

Global Foundations of Business, an introductory business course I took my first semester. Our project involved selling a product in a foreign nation and my team was responsible for the cultural adaptation. It was a great learning experience and prepared me for the project-heavy curriculum.

Any professors who have become mentors?

Professor Mara Derderian, the head of the CFP program, got me interested in the CFP program and she’s been a great resource!

What do you hope to learn from your minor?

I wanted to learn more about analyzing data through different applications and coding. Applied analytics is unlike financial services and makes me well-rounded going into the workforce.

Tell us about your internship with Fidelity.

Fidelity Investments is right across the street from Bryant. I’ve begun learning how to talk to customers over the phone and got my Series 7 and 63 licenses already!

How are you involved outside of the classroom?

I’m the student services committee chair for Student Government and treasurer for the Finance Association. In the past, I was the president of the Financial Planning Association and an IDEA mentor. I’m always on some intramural team ranging from softball to basketball, too.

What’s your campus hangout? 

The Bryant Pond is a favorite. Most of my downtime, though, is spent hanging out with friends and chilling in my townhouse’s backyard.

How would you describe Bryant?

A community that works hard and plays hard, where most people are a friend of a friend. In a few words, we’re learning while being together.


A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

A headshot of Kevin Ludemann.
Kevin Ludemann '18

“I always loved taking Spanish classes throughout high school, but I also had an interest in studying business. Bryant gives you a broad range of skills and prepares you to excel in a variety of situations. I am getting the most out of my education.”

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Owen Sawyer '24

"When I was looking at the research interests of the professors I would be studying under, I was really impressed that an institution known for business had such a talented politics and law faculty."

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"I chose Bryant because of the business program. With the great network of alumni, I could see that no matter what major I chose, a good job opportunity would be available."