Olivia Angelo '24

Olivia Angelo '24


Woburn, MA

Why did you choose Bryant?

I wanted a business-focused school that offered international business and Italian. I always wanted to go abroad and have a future working abroad, and I knew that Bryant could help me get there. 

Also, Bryant has a strong sports culture and academic services — it was perfect for me. The small size of the classes and tutoring services were also a huge asset. 

What led you to the global supply chain concentration?

I wanted to do international relations or some type of marketing, but when I applied to college and saw global supply chain as an option, I felt that it went hand in hand. I also was interested in supply chain since my first year of college was 2020 during covid, so it really came into play, and I learned more about it.

Have you had any favorite classes?

One of my favorite classes was Basic Modeling and Analysis of Global Supply Chains with Professor Michael Gravier. We learned about solving problems in networks of transportation, warehouse, inventory, and operations facilities. 

What are some key takeaways from your supply chain education?

I’ve learned that every day is going to be different, with different conditions and problems to solve. It’s important to be able to work in teams and collaborate with others. 

International business includes a study abroad component. Where did you go?

I studied abroad in Florence, Italy, where I worked as a social media marketing manager and translator for a sustainable fashion school. I met so many amazing people and made so many connections that will last a lifetime. My intercultural skills really grew and my language skills as well. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I would not trade my time in Florence and Europe for anything. 

Tell us about your summer internship. 

I worked as a resource coordinator for National Grid. I gained new insight into the gas and energy industry and how the company operates. Under the guidance of my resource coordination manager, I handled multiple sets of data, including job progress tracking, permit compliance, and other pertinent data inputs. I created charts through Excel to facilitate data analysis and collaborative problem-solving with different teams throughout Massachusetts.

Do you have a career path in mind yet? A certain industry perhaps?

Working in the sustainable energy industry is of great interest to me, and I also would like to work in the retail industry if possible.

Any favorite places on campus to hang out?

My favorite place to hang out would have to be the Fisher Student Center. I enjoy grabbing food and getting work done outside of my dorm. I spend my downtime on campus with my friends in my townhouse and going on walks around the perimeter of the campus when it’s nice out. 

How would you describe the Bryant community?

Close-knit and supportive, familiar, and friendly. You always have help at your fingertips if you need it. Everyone loves to have fun and there are many activities to do on campus every day and weekend.

Can you sum up your Bryant experience in a few words?

Meaningful, transformative, challenging, and memorable.


A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Nina Karlin '24
Nina Karlin '24

"If you have an idea, just go with it and see where it takes you. Don’t be afraid to fail. You're going to learn from it."

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Danielle Palmer ’24 MBA

“I love the experience of working with other professionals. Not only am I making connections with my professors, but I’m also making connections with my classmates. You really get a sense of community in addition to the experience of getting your degree.”  

Jason Ferrero sits with a career advisor in Bryant's Amica Center for Career Education.
Jason Ferrero '26

"I chose a data science degree due to its versatility, which extends beyond the traditional business field. I can leverage it across industries."