Miranda Pena ’23

Miranda Pena ’23


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

What do you enjoy about project management? 

It’s all about doing things better and more efficiently. There are so many things that we do on a daily basis that have a formal project management process; it’s been so cool to learn that. PM classes are literally my favorite. 

How did you choose your major? 

I was looking to find what combination of things could help me work in the nonprofit sector. I organized lots of fundraisers back home, and when I took my first project management class, I realized everything I’ve been doing to run those is actually a career. It’s something I love and have been doing all along.  

How would you describe the Bryant community? 

I really love the teaching education system here. The teachers know you, and it’s so easy to get help and get to know people. I thought I wanted a huge school, but it’s nice to see familiar faces every day. Even then, you still get to know new people all the time.  

How has Bryant prepared you for the future? 

I got an internship by asking faculty for connections to nonprofits, since that’s where I’ve always wanted to work. I started in the fall at Skills for Rhode Island’s Future, working in the disability program to help train people for jobs. They offered me a full-time position after graduation as a junior operations project manager. I’ll be working with high school students, to connect them to internships and run them through a boot camp to get them ready.  

What advice would you give to incoming international students? 

Going to my professor and asking, “Do you have any connections?” is what led to the most opportunities for me. Networking has been my lifesaver.

A Connected Community

Bryant's purposeful student life delivers co-curricular immersion with an inspiring, collegial community. Students forge deep connections that last a lifetime.

Jared Jenkins '23 MBA
Jared Jenkins ’23 MBA

“Bryant gives you a very well-rounded look into all parts of business in a short amount of time. There’s nothing in this program that is busywork. It’s really designed for the working professional. It’s a great community that supports each other.”

A headshot of Breanna Tulig.
Breanna Tulig ’20

“I didn't think that I could ever learn to program. It just seemed like something that was so far beyond me. But the way my professor taught the class and the availability he had — I visited his office every single week — helped me find my passion for it.”

Ramsha Gul ’25
Ramsha Gul ’25

“Everyone is so welcoming, and they are ready to help you with whatever you need. My professors know me by name and what I want to do in my career and life. Bryant will make sure that you never feel alone or lost here.”